OpenPlant PID Help

View Attributes Dialog, View Seed Options Section

Contains controls to set seed saved view properties.

Note: This section is displayed only when you are in a DGNLib file which is specified in the MS_DGNLIBLIST configuration variable.
Detailing Symbol Style Used to select the detailing symbol style.
Discipline Used to define the discipline of the saved view.

The Discipline and Purpose fields are used to classify dynamic views and drawings. For example, in a large multidiscipline infrastructure project you could have hundreds or even thousands of dynamic views and drawings. You can use the Discipline field to classify a design or engineering task, for example, Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical, and so on. The Purpose field is used to classify the saved view type. The plan view could be a floor plan, presentation plan, demolition plan, framing plan, and so on. With the Purpose field, the plan view’s intended use is clarified.

Purpose Used to define the purpose of the saved view. Refer to the Discipline field above for further details.